Cardinal and Grey Soccer



This page provides players and families with registration information, the necessary forms for participation, payment information, Food information, health and safety information, housing options and addresses for the fields, onsite registration and the campus

Sign-Up (Essential Information)



  1. Each player must complete a Clinic Registration Form in order to participate, and the form can be found here.

  2. Each player must complete a Clinic and Medical Waiver Forms in order to participate, and the forms can be found here.

Please email the signed medical and clinic waiver forms to These forms can be brought in the day of registration, but no player can participate without completing these forms.



  1. The cost of the 2-Day clinic is $425. Payment must be made in full before a player can participate.

  2. Please send full payment prior to attending the clinic to:

Cardinal and Grey Soccer
93 Bradlee Street
Hyde Park, MA 02136

3. REFUND POLICY: In the event that a cancellation of registration is requested, refunds will be issued according to the following terms:

1 month before the clinic begins you will be issued a full refund.
After 1 month and before 2 weeks from the start of the clinic, a 50% refund will be issued.
Within 2 weeks of the start of clinic, no refund will be issued.

  • Lunch and snacks: Players are expected to provide their lunch, nutritious snacks and beverages to fuel their performance during the clinic.
    Gatorade will be provided on the fields as well.

  • Health and Medical Care: The clinic will have onsite medical care. Players with any type of health support aids (i.e. epi pens, glucose monitors, etc.) should bring these items to the clinic and check in at registration. Players are strongly encouraged to wear sunscreen and bring sunscreen to the clinic. It is also strongly recommended that players bring extra socks and a shirt in case of wet weather.


Visitors may pay to park at the MIT lot on the corner of Massachusetts Ave and Vassar Street (139 Massachusetts Ave). You may call 617-258-6510 for current rates and availability. There are limited metered spaces on Vassar Street as well.

General MIT Campus Map


Clinic Days

Parents are welcome to stay if they wish, but not required.